CYBER SECURITYCyber security is the practice of securing mobile devices. Computers, networks, and data from different kinds of cyber threats. It is also known as electronic information security or technology security. It can be divided into different common types, which are given below.INFORMATION SECURITYInformation security is one of the standard categories of cyber security, and it is used to protect the privacy and integrity of data both in transit and storage.OPERATIONAL SECURITYIt includes the decision and processes for protecting and handling data assets. The procedure that tells where and how data may be shared or stored is used to get everything under this umbrella.APPLICATION SECURITYit is used to and focuses on keeping all your personal data and software free from various threats. It is only designed to protect data from different threats. Successful security starts in the design of the stage well before a device or program is deployed.NETWORK SECURITYIt is the process of securing all computer networks from different intruders. Whether targeted opportunist’s malware or targeted attackers. Including you all personal and sensitive data from cyber threats.BUSINESS CONTINUITY AND DISASTER RECOVERYit defines how an organization or a firm responds or reacts to a cyber security incident or any other that causes the loss of data or operations. Recovery policies dictate how an organization will restore its information and procedures to return to the same level as they were before the incident.END-USER EDUCATIONit addresses the top unpredictable security factor: anyone can introduce a virus accidentally to a secure system by failing to implement reasonable security practices. Teaching people to delete these suspicious attachment emails. Please do not use unidentified USB drivers plugins. Other different lessons are vital for security purposes.SCALE OF THE CYBER SECURITY THREAT Retailers, medical services, and public entities are experiencing the most breaches, with threats criminals responsible for most of the events and incidents. Some of these organizations are more spelling toward cybercriminals because these criminals collect medical and financial data. It causes customer attacks.Nowadays, the scale of cyber threats is rising. The international data corporation said that worldwide spending money on cyber security solutions will reach a massive amount by now.Governments of different countries are now more serious about cyber threats. They have now responded to the rising threats of cyber threats with guidance to corporate and help organizations to implement the practice of cyber security.Countries from all over the world are now more serious about this because cyberattacks are damaging nations from their threats and incidents. Criminals do cyber-attacks, and they get the medical and financial data of people. It is not suitable for an individual and the countries.Governments of the countries need to implement cyber security practices to avoid these kinds of events and attacks. By cyber threats personal data of individuals and the government become unsafe. It is also a reason that countries’ secrets are revealed due to cyber threats. We need to implement some great strategies and policies to avoid these kinds of incidents for the growth of the country.It is something to take seriously. Cyber threats are increasing day by day, infecting the economy. People did not feel safer even in their homes. They feel depressed and unsafe because of the hackers and cybercriminals. Authorities should apply policies to avoid these attacks and punish them for revealing someone’s personal information and getting into someone’s database.We are also going to talk about some main and common threats of cyber-attacks performed by hackers and cybercriminals. These attacks are of different kinds and get their job done by various methods. Hackers stole their personal information and data from the database. Sometimes for the purpose of money and occasionally for political purposes.WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF CYBER THREATS?Below there are types of cyber threats. We will discuss them one by one.CYBERCRIMEThis crime includes single actors or groups targeting the system for the cause of disruption or financial gain.CYBERTERRORISMIt is intended to undermine electronic systems to cause fear or pain.CYBER SECURITY ATTACKSIt involves motivating political information gathering.MALWAREMalware is the most common cyber threat, and it means malicious software. Malware is software created by the hacker or cyber-criminal to damage or disrupt a user’s computer. This kind of malware also spreads through email attachments. Hackers or cybercriminals may use this malware in politically motivated cyberattacks or make money.VIRUSIt is a program that attaches itself to clean the documents or files and spread them throughout a computer system, infecting files and documents with malicious code.TROJANSTrojans is a type of malware that is disguised as legitimate software. Cybercriminals or hackers trick users to upload trojans onto their system, where they collect personal information or data and cause damage.SPYWAREIt is a program that secretly records what a user is doing so that cybercriminals and hackers can make use of this information. For instance, it could capture the details of any person’s credit card.RANSOMWAREIt is malware that locks down the user’s data or files with the imminent threat of erasing it. Ransom unless it is not paid.ADWAREIt is software that, through advertising, can spread malware to different systems for various criminal purposes.BOTNETSIt is the network of malware that infects the computer, and cyber criminals and hackers are able to perform online tasks without the user’s permission.SQL INJECTIONIt is the type of cyber threat which is used to steal data from a database and used to take control. Hackers and cybercriminals insert malicious code into the database through a SQL malicious statement. It gives them access to the sensitive and personal information which is contained in the database.PHISHINGPhishing is the kind of cyber threat in which hackers or cyber criminals target the victims with the emails and represent themselves as a legitimate company asking for personal and sensitive information. These attacks are often used to dupe any individual handing over personal and credit card data.MAN IN THE MIDDLEIt is the type of cyber threat where a hacker or cyber-criminal intercepts the communication between two people in order to steal their data. It will give them all personal data and sensitive information.DENIAL OF SERVICEit is a cyber threat that includes cybercriminals or hackers to prevent a computer system from fulfilling a legitimate request by overwhelming the servers and networks with the traffic. It renders the computer system unusable. Preventing the organization by carrying out functions.LATEST NEWS ABOUT CYBER SECURITYThe law of cyber security is constantly changing, and policymakers are keeping up with the emerging technologies. Many cybersecurity laws enacted throughout the world include steps to protect the organization and the government against various attacks and incidents and safeguard citizens’ data.. Here we are going to talk about the latest news and policies about cyber security.. The United States trade commission has banned a CEO and a spyware developer from operating in the surveillance market by anti-stalkers campaigners. FTC alleges that this app called Spyfone, which is marketed by support king, allows domestic abusers and stalkers to steal the targets for their violence.This app can be used to monitor text messages, photos, GPS locations, web histories, and other personal information and data of the device on which the app was installed without knowing the owner.. The establishment of the US agencies dedicated to investigating the cyber threats and attacks should take lessons from running agitation counterparts. President called for the national cyber security safety board that would work to find causes of supply chains, ransomware, and other attacks.. In just a few weeks, a new security data law will come into force in China. The new law is set out to protect the data of China’s national security. It will cover the country’s personal and sensitive information. It was a multi-year approach of China’s government for the protection of personal data and national security. And this will either work with a business or will handle the data of Chinese citizens.This law is implemented in China to improve national security. These attacks do a lot of damage to the country. Every country wants to avoid these kinds of attacks as they are not suitable for the growth of the country because it includes personal data as well as the country’s secrets. This law can also work with the business and keep the data of citizens. Overall national security will improve, and there will be fewer cyber-attacks.Cyber-attacks are of several kinds which damage the country’s economy and the government also. Cybercriminals or hackers stole the personal data of the country and damaged the country. It should be stopped because in this country overall, the surety of the country remains compromised. In the future, they will face these kinds of cyberattacks, which are not suitable for the overall economy of the country.WHITE-COLLAR HACKERSWhite-collar hackers are individuals who use their hacking skills to identify weaknesses in the software, hardware, or networks. White-collar hackers are also called ethical hackers. They only seek exploits when they are allowed to do so or legally permitted to do so. These hackers do their research on open-source software, as well as systems or software that they have been authorized to investigate or they own, including services and products that operate bug programs.These hackers use their skills to prevent and fix weaknesses in the systems. They do their jobs when the officials give them permission, and then they proceed with their work otherwise not. They represent the security levels of the organization and maintain the security system to avoid attacks. They have the skills to deal with the situation. They investigate the problem and find the solution to fix them. Specific businesses employ white hackers. These experts can identify weaknesses and help the organization for the improvement of its security. To safeguard assets and services against cyber-attacks, these hackers are often behind the scenes in real life, thwarting the attacks. They can be forced on exposing weakness. Threat analysis and try to guide and help and prioritize remediation.They are experts and employed by the organization or a company. It is the requirement of the company or organization because every organization wants to improve its security levels. For this purpose, they hire white-collar hackers and help them to find the weaknesses and fix them for protection from different cyber-attacks.DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BLACK COLLAR HACKERS AND WHITE-COLLAR HACKERSEvery organization wants to best their security levels so none of the hackers can sneak into their personal and sensitive data. For security purposes, they hire white-collar or black-collar hackers. There is no big difference between these two hackers; they almost do the same work for the organization. They are experts at their job. They know what to do and when and maintain the security of the organization.White-collar hackers use their skills to protect and help against various cyber-attacks. On the other hand, black collar hackers work to find the weakness and are able to fix them as soon as possible before they are exploited by the cyber-attacks. Black hay or malicious hackers who take down the networks or steal data.These hackers are often employed by governments for the sake of national security. Because if they feel that they have some problem in their security level, they use the white-collar hackers to find the weaknesses in the security system and fix them to avoid cyber-attacks.CONCLUSIONCyber security is the practice of defending devices like mobile phones, servers, and networks to avoid cyber-attacks. Various cyber threats are used to sneak into someone’s device or network and steal their personal and sensitive data from a database. White-collar hackers are employed by an organization to find weaknesses and how to fix them to avoid various kinds of cyber threats.What is Cyber Security and its importance?